June 19, 2007

One for the Guys

Wow. Pity Guy Robinson Robertson (my apologies; corrected to proper last name!) ... or give him a really, really big stapler. In this month's Feliciter (from the Canadian Library Association) he writes a feature article titled "Keeping Up Appearances: Looking Like a Librarian in an Age of Paranoia." (If you can't get at it via a CLA login, try your library's Ebsco database.) In it, he describes the denial of his work visa by a customs official who determined that Guy didn't look like a librarian, so must have been lying about his reasons for entering the USA...

I hope he meets with more success in future attempts. This kind of thing is just... well... embarrassing. Thanks to Laurel for sending me the article!

(Sunny and hot. Yes, again.)


Christina said...

Robertson, I think. The direct link for academic search premier is: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=25245360&site=ehost-live

Ruth said...

Oops - you're right, Christina, I must have seen his last name wonky. I've fixed it - thanks!