November 6, 2012

IL2012: Speed Tech Dating

(What a great session - all kinds of new tools to try out!!)

Speed Technology Dating! with Patrick Sweeney, Toby Greenwalt, and Jeremy Snell

Trello - good for collaboration, multiple todo lists, shared task lists, etc

Logmein - for remote system access

LibraryBox - portable private digital distribution

The Kid Should See This - tumblr, typically sci, tech, art but other things as well. Nice curated portal for interesting kid tidbits.

AirVideo - love this one, I use it all the time at work

EveryBlock - neighborhood info and message board

Tackk - time-limited online flyer type tool - on-the-fly creation - this is a fail for this presentation (said the presenter) - is now, multi user dj room

NextDoor - similar to everyblock except it allows you to set your own neighborhood boundaries, and is n more cities as well - feedback, invites, chats, teach, bookmarks, etc

Sphero - a robotic ball controlled by your smartphone - discovery tool for kids - like pandora but for art

Snaggy -  paste images straight to the web

LiquidSpace - find a place to have a meeting near you

Noon Pacific - email discovery tool of weekly playlists from top music blogs - great quick tool for grabbing a special character, copies to your clipboard and you can paste it anywhere
Oyster - iPhone app to read books on yr phone

The Noun Project - online professionally designed icons for free/CC use - no more clip art!

Sifteo cubes - interactive, intelligent play

Raspberry pi

Patch - local focused news

ShowMe - iPad app - draw, talk, ,it'll capture your drawing and what you're saying and then you an post it

MakeyMakey - similar to raspberry pi , a tiny learning circuits and programming device - everyone at a glance of what's going on in congress

Lightt - iPhone app, instagram  for video - payment processing site, like indiegogo or kickstarter but a much lower rate.

EveryLibrary - superPAC for libraries - huge movement for libraries. Assns can get items to the ballot but cannot do anything more - this can do campaigning, marketing, etc on behalf of libraries across the nation

LoudSauce - social ad buying platform

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