October 10, 2007

Mirror, Mirror

A law librarian friend of mine (hi, Amy!) sent me an October 2007 LexisNexis InfoPro column by Rhonda Keaton titled "Mirror, Mirror: Reflections on the Image of Librarians", where she mentions my "You don't look like a librarian!" site. I just wanted to say thanks, Rhonda! (Her column is available now and I'm assuming through this month; check the archives if you miss it.)

I heartily agree with one of her opening remarks, and it's why I keep these sites going:
"As I explain what I am doing now, without fail they take a breath, take a really hard look at me and exclaim, 'Wow. You don’t look like a librarian!'

It happened again just the other day. And it keeps happening whether I am meeting old friends or new acquaintances. This negative perception of librarians has a solid toehold in the rock cliff of public attitude and frankly, it’s starting to bug me."
Me too, Rhonda, me too.

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