December 11, 2006

PoM: Trusted Digital Repositories

NEDCC Persistence of Memory Conference
Speaker: Robin Dale, RLG - Programs, OCLC Office of Programs & Research

What's in your repository?

"Repositories" and "Archives" - semantically confusing scene

Digital preservation is:
- Collaborative
- Reliant
- Complex
- Of immense scale
- Potentially expensive

Communicating trust is imperative!

Trusted digital repository
- Mandate to preserve information over time
- Capability to do so
- Risks & vulterabilities are understandable
- Committed rol in collaborative network

"Responsible Custody"

How do we move forward?
- Building a checklist
- Envisioned uses of a checklis
-- planning
-- self-assessment
-- audit
-- basis for certification

Discussion of RLG-NARA checklist development, "Audit checklist for the certification of trusted digital libraries".

CRL project to put the above recommendations in place

Building trust & obtaining certification

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