May 2, 2006

Read This Blog

Or, more properly, read these blogs...before I discovered Bloglines (and my blog list exploded), these are the sites I visited regularly. I wanted to share!

Librarian's Internet Index. Karen Schneider and her team provide an invaluable resource to us all, and should be told that regularly!

Free Range Librarian. Everything I was afraid to know about the inner workings of ALA, or what it would be like to go back to school for an MFA, I learned from Karen here.

Librarian.Net. Jessamyn West rules....and makes me stop and think about things, which is never a bad thing.

The Shifted Librarian. Jenny Levine is a goddess among bibliobloggers. IMHO.

Tame the Web. Another deity in the biblioblogosphere - Michael Stephens always has a good point, and makes it well. Hot!

Librarian In Black. Sarah Houghton's bits about life as a"techie librarian by default" always appeal to me.

(Side note: Although they don't know it, Karen, Jenny and Michael are all indirectly responsible for me starting this blog. For a long time I thought, hey, I don't have anything new to say that isn't being said elsewhere, much better - but all three of them showed me that sometimes, you just gotta participate. And as has been noted before and recently mentioned on several library blogs, the best way to learn about a technology is to use that technology. So here I am, having taken the leap.)

Anyway. This was where I started. My Bloglines account now has 42 blogs in it, and it grows daily as I read about, and find, even more excellent resources out there. Now I just have to keep up with them all.....

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Anonymous said...

Blog on, lady! Blog on! -- Karen (Free Range Librarian)

Michael Stephens said...

How cool! Welcome to the Biblioblogosphere!!

Anonymous said...

Wow...thanks for the praise! A lot of people have something unique to say, and those are the blogs people read. Keep your content unique and engaging and people will flock to you. If you build it, they will come. Best wishes!

Ruth said...

Wow! You sure found this fast - thank you for your comments, and encouragment. I'm going to do my best!