January 7, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy 2009, everyone. In the spirit of the other new year memes running around, here's a summary of my 2008, although nowhere near in as much detail. (I'm too tired for details!)
  • All Year: Got a contract to write a book. Wrote the book. Became even more in awe of people who write books for a living. (PS - reviewed the galley proof over the holidays - it's even closer now to being a Real Dead Tree Thing!) Continued to be amazed by my son.
  • Mid Year: Began working up to half time for a second large telescope construction project. It's been quite interesting, working on a completely different document management system, and it's a good crowd. Also rocked another SLA, and got to see my folks.
  • End Year: Survived another round of major microscope reviews at the first large telescope construction project. Learned that moderating the Cybertours at Internet Librarian is tougher than you'd think. Got to see my in-laws.
It was an exhausting, exhilarating, nerve-wracking, and fun year. 2009 should bring more of the same (only different!). I have two resolutions: keep working on living healthy, and dance more.

Here's to 2009!


Ana Ivkovic said...

Congrats Ruth!
My name is Ana, medical librarian from Serbia. I just saw a post - summery of your 2008. Very successful year. I wish you the same success in 2009!...I will read your posts..

regards, Ana

Ruth said...

thanks, Ana! I hope you have a great 2009 too!