September 20, 2012

An Open Letter to the Look That Slowly Forms On Your Face When I Tell You I Am a Librarian

Becca Brody nails it over on McSweeney's with her "Open Letter to People or Entities who are Unlikely to Respond:"
"Dear Look That Slowly Forms On Your Face When I Tell You I Am a Librarian:

The raised eyebrows and intake of breath fool no one. As a librarian, I am well aware that most people do not find my job an interesting topic of conversation at a neighborhood barbecue, music festival or, to use a more keenly relevant example, the cocktail party we both attended last Friday night..."
Go forth and read her (sadly, scarily) accurate account of how way too many interactions for us still go these days...  and bear in mind that, if you're in a good mood and feeling forgiving, this is a great time to share a quick note about how fantastic we are.

So. How 'bout that Dewey Decimal System, huh?

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